About Us

The Oehrn Lab at the UC Davis Center for Neuroscience and the Department of Neurological Surgery specializes in intracranial and scalp electrophysiological recordings in humans and deep brain stimulation.
We are interested in understanding the function of rhythmic brain activity, known as neural oscillations. Our research focuses on the neural bases of cognitive and affective processing in patients with Parkinson’s disease, with the goal of developing novel brain stimulation therapies to improve non-motor symptoms. Our research extends from the lab to real-life settings, where we decode brain activity as patients go about their daily lives.
Ultimately, we aim to develop adaptive deep brain stimulation paradigms that sense brain activity and adjust stimulation in real-time to meet individual patient needs and comprehensively improve movement, mood and cognition.
Latest News

Real-world blinded adaptive DBS halves time with motor symptoms and improves quality of life in Parkinson’s disease. Read article in Nature Medicine, August 19, 2024

Does deep brain stimulation help with cognitive problems in Parkinson's disease? Read article in Brain, Volume 147, Issue 4, April 2024